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In the greater world: “The world belongs to the two of us” says Nice, accompanied by her husband singer Roberto Carlos

Their emotionally charged encounter with medium Chico Xavier * Precise diagnosis by Dr. Fritz channeled through Arigó * Other current themes

Text by Marlene Rossi Severino Nobre

Nice, during that memorable show by Roberto to benefit the charitable works in Uberaba, with our Chico Xavier, your words of affection really impressed me, paying homage to the Spirit Emmanuel and offering flowers to Chico.  What is the reason for so much spontaneity and gratitude on your part?

You know, at that time, even my husband found my lack of inhibition a bit strange, because, normally, I’m very shy.  I have a lot of difficulty expressing myself in public.  But that was quite spontaneous for me. The truth is that I had faced a very difficult phase.  I was quite disoriented, I was afraid of everything, cars, planes, I felt nervous.  So I started reading every night a little book by Emmanuel, Peace and Renewal, that Chico had given me.  And this daily reading before going to bed did me a lot of good; it brought me a lot of peace.  Those lessons teach you to love your enemy; not to harbor hatred or resentment; to understand all creatures, to remain patient and accept everything with resignation.  I confess that I put a lot of feeling, a lot of heart into my words at that moment.

If it weren’t inappropriate on my part, I would like you to explain in detail Zé Arigó’s role in the case of your son Segundinho.  Did Arigó operate on him spiritually?

I need to expand on this issue a little more to make myself understood.  But the fact is that I have a deep gratitude for the Spirit of Arigó.  When our son was 14 days old, we took him to Holland for his first eye operation, but we returned to Brazil knowing that we would have to wait a little longer.

In July 1969, Segundinho was six to seven months old.  He could only see figures at short distances, and in that month he got much worse.  We immediately went to Holland.  The operation was a tremendous success at the time.  But on the same day that Segundinho was operated on, I dreamed about my grandfather – imagine, my grandfather had passed away only fifteen days before –, and n the dream his spirit shook his head negatively.

The next day, the pressure in my son’s eyeball had risen to 40 mmHg – normal is 10 to 21 mmHg.  I was traumatized and fell sick.  My husband and I lived through hours of anguish and expectation.  Soon after, there was another surgical intervention.  When they removed the blindfold and Segundinho followed the nurse with his eyes until she left the room, it was a tremendous emotion!  For the first time I saw, in my son, the eye of a normal person.

After these 40 days in Holland, our son continued under the care of our doctor here in São Paulo, Dr. Celso Antônio de Carvalho.  In December of the same year, when Segundinho was close to his first birthday, his eyes had high blood pressure again, especially on the right one; Dr. Celso said he might need another operation  On that occasion, our friend TV host Cidinha Campos had contact with the medium Zé Arigó and through her we were able to get an appoitment with him.  We were very well received, had lunch at his house in Congonhas do Campo, state of Minas Gerais, and really appreciated his wonderful sincerity.

Arigó placed his hand on my son’s forehead and prayed.  Soon after, the spirit of German physician Dr. Fritz revealed the exact eye pressure (19 and 25), which our doctor had said a week before.  He also stated something very important: he said that the boy might need an operation called fistulization.  However, there was no need to go abroad because two Brazilian doctors, namely our doctor Dr. Celso Antônio de Carvalho in São Paulo, and Dr. Sampaolese, in Belo Horizonte, were qualified to carry out this procedure.  But I don’t believe – said Dr. Fritz – that there is any need for this operation.

The same night we returned from Congonhas do Campo, we made a phone call to Dr. Worst, our doctor in Holland, who said exactly the same thing: the procedure to be done at the time was fistulization.  He mentioned that there was no need to leave Brazil because two doctors here could perform the surgery very well: Dr. Celso, in São Paulo, and Dr. Roberto Sampaolese, in Belo Horizonte.

Then, the operation was scheduled, right here, in São Paulo.  Segundinho was already being prepared for this operation when the inexplicable happened: the pressure dropped to 15 and 17 in each eye.  And, since then, my son has not needed any other intervention, thank God!  However, he is being strictly monitored every six months.

Dr. Fritz also said that, perhaps at age 7, the right eye needed some repair and, in fact, we have noticed that.  As you can see, it was a set of very important factors: Dr. Worst’s second extraordinary operation, Dr. Celso’s competence and honesty, the whole country praying for my son, and Arigó placing his blessed hands saying those words so right at that moment when we needed it so much… In fact, I have a deep gratitude for Arigó!


How do you see the feminist wave, so widespread today?

I am convinced that men and women have well-defined roles.  You know, a woman can work outside the home, be independent, because everything has evolved, and she shouldn’t be limited in her activities.  However, affection, love, tenderness are natural attributes of the female soul.  Every man likes to feel like he owns the house; in fact Roberto Carlos always jokes with me that he is the head and I am the neck that I take the head wherever I want.  It is clear that this affectionate joke defines our connection here and at home, and it is this point of view that I am expressing.

The feminist movement is not well oriented; I believe that everything should come naturally. Jane Fonda, for example, abandoned her daughter, her home, to defend social movements.  However, as housewives, we cannot forget the main obligations that are, precisely, within our home.  I believe that these movements are doing great damage to the emotional relationship between the sexes, hence the appearance of a growing number of lesbians and homosexuals.

Roberto Carlos, Nice and their Son

Something inside me spoke very strongly, it wasn’t just our common surname Rossi – Cleonice Rossi Braga – that established points of contact between the two of us.  Throughout the interview, in addition to the circumstances of our marriages, our ideas flew to the top of the mountain and descended to the common obligations of the home with the lightness of harmonizing vibrations, remembering a not-too-distant past.  Only reincarnation coordinates and disciplines, explains and clarifies these moments of déjà-vu.  But the striking personality of Mrs. Roberto Carlos, Nice, is here for you (Marlene Rossi).


The world of the two of us

You see, when I talk about distorted movement, I also remember the hippie movement.  The ideas defended by them, in the beginning, the fight against wars, the return to primitive origins, rebellion against pollution and excesses of progress, as causes of misfortune, are all very true.  However, many people took advantage and distorted these ideas.  I saw an interview with a New York doctor who wanted to get all mothers to breastfeed their children; to me, he was a hippie in the head.  It’s a question of a mind set, not just clothes that you wear.


Nice, words of flattery are not my style.  I have always tried to imbue my assertions with the right charge of sincerity.  I consider your husband, our Roberto Carlos, a missionary, with well-defined tasks in the Brazilian artistic field.  He appeared at the right time to establish our youth with their own roots, seeking much more authentic paths towards artistic improvement.  How do you see youth now?

I think that until two or three years ago my husband’s music was more directed to young people.  I believe that he is now more mature; he is using a more universal language, because he talks about love, and love is eternal.

In the song The Window, for example, he tries to say that a house is a house, a father is a father; in short, home is security.  If there is something wrong with youth, I believe that the blame lies more with the parents.  Nowadays, we are in a time of dialogue, not imposition.  There must be an answer for everything, guiding your children towards the best.

Roberto was called upon to work against the use of drugs, but he warned of the danger that children aged seven to eight would be curious and seek to know as much as possible about the subject.  And he didn’t agree to do that.

The presence of Denner and Clodovil on TV was banned.  However, with this androgynous movement, even children appear on television programs, imitating the gestures and voices of those performers.  Now, with greater opportunities for universities and other complementary studies, young people have a greater chance of getting a better education.  But the conditions for dialogue between parents and children are becoming increasingly restricted.

Spiritual communication

Do you believe in communication between the two planes, the material and the spiritual?

I was raised within Catholic principles, I even studied at a convent school, but, currently, I believe in high spiritualism – Spiritism, a science.  Currently, I think that Spirits of Light do exist and help us in everything.  There are also bad Spirits, who fight to make trouble for us; but the good Spirits, our protectors, do not let anything bad happen to us when we have faith and a heart clean of evil.

I never delved into the issues of Umbanda, but I don’t feel comfortable with all those rituals.  The cult of the devil always demands something in return.  The worship of God in the heart of man is different, it demands nothing in return other than love for humanity.

Chico Xavier radiates peace

I know there is a very sincere bond between you both and Chico Xavier; what do you think about him?

Honestly, Chico is outstanding.  He is not a human being like us, because he is pure.  When I talk to him, he gives me the answers I’m looking for without me saying anything.  He once told me: “You are so strong, you have everything ahead of you, why this fear?”  And in fact I was going through a phase full of fear and restlessness. Chico Xavier gives me a lot of peace.

Nice, after so many good things you said, enriching us all, what is the final message you would like to leave?

Each person carries their problems with them. I would like to be seen as a normal person.  Within my circumstances, I am also a mother, I have my problems with my husband’s natural absences, with the guidance of my home, trying to keep up with the evolution that is taking place so quickly, to guide my children on the right path.

It’s so interesting because people don’t imagine that we can have the same problems as everyone else.  I had a maid, for example, who thought I should come down the stairs wearing a cape and a crown, because I was Roberto Carlos’ wife.  And she was always very frightened by my normal duties as a mother and wife.

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